July 14, 2024

Media Release Bill 5 – One year in force

February 14, 2024

Media Release Bill 5 – Anniversary

February 8, 2024

We stand with our Crown counsel colleagues in demanding our employer ensure we are safe while at work. That is what the law requires.

BCGLA Letter re 222 Main 2024-02-08

And the employer’s response

7653 – DMP-DAG Response BCGLA

November 14, 2023

Les Leyne: Court finds province violated labour deal with prosecutors

The article concludes:

“Also, last May, the government started a separate argument with a different group of 300 lawyers, those working for the government handling matters outside the criminal courts.

The B.C. Government Lawyers Association wanted to be recognized as a union, but the NDP outlawed the idea and forced them to join the broader Professional Employees Association.

That case is in court as well.

The NDP convention is in Victoria this weekend. If any member raises the dismal record Eby is building with the members of his own profession working in his own government, it would make for an interesting exchange.”

Yet another example of the BC government trying to circumvent its obligations as employer and the collective bargaining rights of its lawyer employees. Read the BCCCA court decision here.

July 19, 2023

B.C. government lawyers sue province over forced unionization

July 18, 2023

Notice of Civil Claim challenging Bill 5 amendments to the BC Public Service Labour Relations Act 

July 14, 2023

Rob Shaw: B.C. government lawyers filing lawsuit against their employer

July 13, 2023

Times Colonist: B.C. government lawyers to announce constitutional challenge to NDP-forced unionization

June 16, 2023

Commonwealth Lawyers Association – Government Lawyers in British Columbia Going to Court For Right to Organise by Gareth Morley KC

May 16, 2023

CBABC Re: Passing of Bill 5, Public Service Labour Relations Amendment Act

May 12, 2023

The Tyee – BC Government and Its Lawyers Head Toward Unionization Showdown

May 11, 2023

Times Colonist – Les Leyne: NDP silence on government lawyer bill speaks volumes

May 9, 2023

Hansard Blues – Transcript of Committee Debates and Votes on Bill 5

Statement from CBABC President on Bill 5

B.C. government lawyers protest bill that would prevent forming a new union

May 8, 2023



Victoria, B.C.: Members of the BC Government Lawyers Association (BCGLA), who are civil lawyers directly employed by the provincial government, will hold out-of-office study sessions today in both Victoria and Vancouver.

They will also rally 12:30 P.M. at the BC Legislature in Victoria.

Bill 5, which was brought on for Second Reading on Thursday by the NDP government, and is expected to be debated today, circumvents an ongoing Labour Relations Board hearing considering the BCGLA’s certification as a bargaining unit. A majority of civil lawyers employed by the province have signed cards favouring forming their own union to represent their unique interests and working conditions as lawyers.

Instead, Bill 5 was brought in by the NDP government as an end run that unfairly directs BCGLA members to join the Professional Employees Association (PEA) – an existing union chosen by the employer, not selected by BCGLA members.



12:30 P.M.


VICTORIA – Steps of the BC Legislature Building

EDS: For media interviews: spokespeople will be available at the rally in Victoria, and by request in downtown Vancouver.


Media contact:

Trevor Pancoust

[email protected]


Rob Shaw: How the legislature turned into the Twilight Zone

May 6, 2023

Les Leyne: Eby takes on lawyers — again

May 5, 2023

BCGLA Legal Counsel’s response to Government’s threat of disciplinary action

Late Addition – AJC Letter to BC Premier & AG (Bill 5) 13 Feb 23

May 4, 2023

Video – Hansard Debate on Second Reading of Bill 5

Times Colonist – ‘Unfair labour practice’: B.C. government accused of blocking union bid by its own lawyers

May 3, 2023

Vaughn Palmer: BC NDP in for a showdown with government lawyers attempting to unionize

Vaughn Palmer Audio – Bill 5 Proceeds


BCGLA Media Release – Government lawyers shocked as NDP Government decides to push forward with Bill 5

Mar. 16, 2023

Legally Speaking with Michael Mulligan

Mar. 9, 2023

Check out photos from our Bill 5 Protest at the BC Legislature today

reddit feed

CBC Radio – Meera Bains Coverage of BCGLA Protest (Audio)


Bill 5 Poster

Not Your Puppet Poster

Mar. 7, 2023

AM1150 – The Early Edition with Phil Johnson interview with Gareth Morley

The Tyee – BC’s Negotiations with the Government Lawyers Collapse

CKNW Vaughn Palmer – Talks Off (Audio)


Mar. 6, 2023 – Government’s “my way or the highway” approach forces negotiations to end

BCGLA Media Release – BCGLA Suspends Negotiations

CHNL – Interview with Gareth Morley – Talks Suspended (Audio)


Feb. 15, 2020 – Joint Statement from the Government and the BCGLA

On February 14, 2023, the PSA and the BCGLA met to begin interest-based discussions on a without prejudice, without precedent basis.

Following that meeting, the parties agreed to continue meaningful discussions about the proposed legislation and its impact on BCGLA members. Government has agreed to hold off on the second reading of Bill 5 to create space for them to continue this process. While these discussions continue, the BCGLA has agreed to pause any protests and job action.  Both parties have also agreed to a media blackout to facilitate the discussions.

Canadian Bar Association Letter re Bill 5

Rob Shaw Opinion – It’s unclear why the BC NDP interfered in lawyers’ union drive – but it backfired

Feb. 14, 2023

Vaughn Palmer: B.C. government picks fight with its own lawyers over unionization drive

CACC Letter to AG Niki Sharma

BCGLA Media Release – BC Fed and Crown Prosecutors support

BC Crown Counsel Association Statement on Bill 5

Feb. 13, 2023

Statement of Support from the BC Federation of Labour

Vancouver City News – B.C. lawyers association votes in favour of job action

CTV News – B.C. government lawyers vote in favour of job action over newly tabled bill

TC – B.C. government lawyers threaten job action over NDP unionization bill

BCGLA Media Release – Government in-house lawyers vote 97% in favour of Job Action in response to Bill 5

Feb. 11, 2023

CBC News – Government lawyers in B.C. fight for right to form their own union following newly tabled bill

Radio-Canada – En C.-B., des avocats en droit civil du gouvernement veulent former leur propre syndicat

Feb. 10, 2023

Brett Mineer’s in-depth interview with BCGLA President, Gareth Morley

The Tyee – BC Government Lawyers Cry Foul over Unionization Bid

Vancouver is Awesome – B.C. government lawyers say NDP forcing them into union

BCGLA Media Release: Unionization bid by Government’s in-house lawyers “cut off at knees” by Provincial Government

Feb. 9, 2023 – Gareth Morley, President of BC Government Lawyers Association on The Jas Johal Show

Feb. 6, 2023 – Government’s response to BCGLA certification application denies AG legal counsel have independent role

LT All Parties with Submissions & Book of Authorities

Legal Argument

Book of Authorities

Jan. 30, 2023 – Media Release: Government changing the rules in its favour midway through the game

BCGLA Media Release Jan 30 2023

Jan. 27, 2023 – Open letter to Premier Eby and AG Sharma

Letter to Premier and AG

Jan. 16, 2023 – Media Release: Unions throw their support behind the Province’s in-house civil lawyers, who just want to negotiate their own contract

BCGLA Media Release – Solidarity from Public Service Unions

Jan. 9, 2023 – Media Release: Argument submitted to the LRB, as BC Government’s in-house lawyers seek the right to bargain their own contract

BCGLA Media Release Jan 9 2023

Jan. 6, 2023 – BCGLA files submissions in support of its Application for Certification under the BC Labour Relations Code

Letter to D Jordan et al re serving BCGLA Submissions re Certification Application and NCQ Jan 6 2023

BCGLA BCLRB Submissions Jan 6 2023

BCGLA NCQ – January 6 2023

Brief of Authorities

Dec. 5, 2022 – Media Release: BC Government cancels future joint meetings with its in-house civil lawyers over unionization bid

BCGLA Media Release Dec 5 2022

Nov. 30, 2022 – Media Release: BC Government Lawyers Association goes to Labour Relations Board in bid to become bargaining agent

BCGLA Media Release Nov 30 2022

BC Government Lawyers Seek Union Rights From NDP

Nov. 21, 2022 – Media Release: BC Government lawyers want same union rights available to five million British Columbians

BCGLA Media Release Nov 21 2022









About Us

The BC Government Lawyers Association has the following purposes:

  • To represent government civil lawyers in matters regarding remuneration, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment.
  • To create, promote and encourage better understanding, unity and cooperation among the members of the Association.
  • To represent the members of the Association in matters of professional interest relating to employment

BCGLA info sheet – Mar 2023

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