Dear colleagues, Last week we got our story out and we got a concession from the Premier. This week we took action by filing an application for certification with the Labour Relations Board: 2022-001618R Notice to Employees (November 29, 2022) Certification Process Poster A preliminary hearing is set for Monday …
“We wrote the legislation that made joining a union easier for everyone in B.C., but we’re excluded. We just want the government to treat its own employees the way it requires other employers to do.” — Gareth Morley, BC Government Lawyers Association Victoria, B.C. (November 21, 2022): The irony was …
Dear Colleagues, The week after Labour Day is the real New Year for many of us. As those of us with school-aged children get them back to school and as all of us come to grips with the end of the summer and the demands of the fall season, it …
In November 2020, we summarized the dollar effect of the government’s decision to de-link our salaries from Crown Counsel salaries provided under their collective agreement. The de-linkage ended a decades-long practice of pay equity between government civil and criminal lawyers. You can view that post here. Enquiries from some of …